Sunday, September 12, 2010


I got my straddle cut!!!!!!!

Working on aireals!!!!
Dismount fulls??!!

Layouts, fulls and Two flip passes!!!!!!


Monday, July 5, 2010


If you are following this blog you are amazing!!!!


Back to GYMN! TOMORROW! I'VE been sick since wednesday it has felt like one HUGE weekend.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


I have a new blog about my artwork its

Heres a test for ya to get to know me but I wont say the answers I'll just tell you if your right or not ;)

Names of cousins and aunts and uncles but not all of them cause that would be ALOT!
Guys Jimbo Shayne Caleb Braxton AJ Chris Raleigh Matthew John Peter Walker Josh
Girls Lillie Emily Adriana Ashly Alyshia Shaye Juinita Ana Kristina Briana Rita Teresa Montana Buddye
Uncles James Rodney Bruce Mike Jimmy John
Aunt Carol Carol-sue Frances Gracilia Sue Dora Lora
Thats not all of them but its hard to think since im sick

1. Fav Three colors
2. Name top two guy cousins
3. Name top two girl cousins
4. Name favorite Aunt
5. Name favorite Uncle
Well Ill think of more quiestions one of these days but for now say which ones are what :D GOODLUCK!

ART! :)

I have fallen in love with drawing and ART! but its hard to make a living off it so yea and I'm just a begginer :D
I call this never been figured out ^_^
I call this one the heart of many lives
I call this one ROSE becuase i tryed to draw my sis's cat :)

Well my FUTURE!

So i have finally figured that what i'm gonna do in my future-

get out of high school skip collage, and go STRIAGHT INTO THE ARMY! :) <3 ARMY :)

Well then after the army i'm going to go to collage so my pairents dont have to pay for it and the army will :) Then I'll get a job i dont know doing what but yea army :D

Bonjour Coma tale vou and GOALS

Well I've been doing good at gymnsatics. I miss maddie cause she quit :'(.  Well my Goals are
Clearhip high bar,    Straddle cut,      Swich kip,    Well I have a penny drop but its not really worth it doing it. there was more but i forgot it.


Two flip pass,     Full


Well here comes my summer @ gym :)

Well lately Ive been sick like CR@ZY but i'm a lil betta now (:

more post soon :D

Sunday, June 6, 2010


We had our yearly banquet saturday. And I never came back with a paper thing I usally always do. Maia was like loaded with awards :) she desurved it. So now this is my first time never I'm going to work harder than ever before mostly because I have never lost SO much! And I need to get back in the game like I was in the beggining. So lately I have been working my mind back in usaul and I think I've got it! And I shall have another no fall season! I've already had one no fall season but not that many people remember I don't even think my coach does either. Well my old coach and sister does remember I believe. I think I might have had two no fall seasons because this was my forth year and I know the season we had I falled but I know there was last year also but I think my 2nd I know I didnt but my 1st I think I didnt fall either. So yea. Just recently my bestie commented on one of my facebook status's from a long long long conversation with her she said "You should write a book" a book about my life so I have took the challenge to see how this ends up. Well happy SUNDAY!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

So I know

I know its been an extremely long time since I have posted something because it was been very EXTREMELY busy and I can't make this long because I'm about to leave to the DENTIST!!! O.O Dunn Dunn Dunnnnnnn

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sorry I havent been posting lately I've been sidetracked

So the meet. I just had a meet I rocked on floor and bombed on the rest. But it was the last meet before state so we just relaxed and had fun. :) besides usally we don't do well during the season but at state we rock so it like turns around. So state is soooon. :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Free work out days

We had a free work out day yesturday and so I'm really really soar every bone in my body hurts and aches I worked really really hard. I'm starting to work clearhip swichkip and low bar and clearhip into flyaway on high bar :( Its sort of scary on the high bar but I can suck it up :D

Friday, February 5, 2010

Gymnastics hold up

Well my meet is tomorow and I've been grounded for ever I just got ungrounded thursday so theres my excuse

Friday, January 22, 2010

Flesh and Blood

So you know how i slammed my hand so the resultz are dun dun dun i bruised my tissue ;(

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Beam falls

So yesturday i slipped on my roundoff again and hurt my hand and today it is still slightly numb and tingles my left hand so im just typeing with one hand and i cant really move it and all it should be fie soon I heal faster sometimes then other people it depends about the injurie :P So yea still numb tinglely and really cold and discolord "Yikes!" one of my friends said. Yea and we did bars before that it was a decent ruietine so m good except my hand is worse :'(

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Today we did floor and we had to pull the red mat on the spring floor and do front step outs on it by ourselfs and my mind was totally wondering so hard to pull back in but I did it some :( was in part of my happy place but That helped me improved so my coach was very happy cuse I was a little low now I'm doing 'em like pros eh? and I finally got my handspring with it remember that first time you did a roundoff back handspring how weired it felt thats what it feals like a rush espiceally if your head is'nt on. I'm obsessed with saying "Eh?" by the way. And we did rouetines and had a talk about if we should have that spring break week off I think we should myself that means I get to go to my familys for louisianna :) and a friend of mine might come to one of my meets my coach agrees with me that I could get to a sr level ten this year :)) Bye ya's

Sunday, January 17, 2010


So I've learned lately that always go no matter what happens dont ever be scared to throw a skill if the coach tells you, you can go by your self. I got better by getting ride of my fears you should try it. So always go up block hard as you can its easyer to block when your arms are straight and you go hard with straight legs and pointed toes :)

Competition season

Sorry I havent been blogging lately I've been busy. So itz omost copetition season! Yay! So heres what I have on all my events- Bars kip clearhip back hip circle squat on kip back hip circle fly away, Beam roundoffs dismount pike and four bs and three a's and swich leap, Floor roundoff backhandspring back pike next pass is front step out roundoff backhanspring back tuck, Vault I got a great handspring and I'm about ta work fulls!!! Ok its time for some tips When you do a warmup bar ruetine focus veryhard on straight legs and arms clean is best thats the secret to great gymnastics and lots of focus and smart workouts aka smart I mean focused sortof you most likely get it. Big skills are good also but clean is BEST! Thats the secret why my team is #1 over all only team for back to back winnings! And I just recently moved up to seniors so I can't wait I want to get a 8.1 on vault a 7.5 on bars a 8.75 on beam and a 8.3 on floor. that means I'd be a level Sr. level 10! I'd get a 32.62! So I better keep focused extra hard so I wont get hurt and never be scared to do a skill one day you'll have to do it. focused and smart workouts are the best :)


Ok if you need help to get better beam I have the best advice. When I was a jr. and got a 8.7 on beam I use to tell my self the beam if my friend one in the same that helped me not be scared and alot more balanced When I'm done working on the event and are still there I work on my routine and my worst jumps and leaps and on dismounts heres a tip just go up and try not to care what will happen do be scared Thats how I improved just tell yourself nothin will happen just do it and get over with it cause one day you'll have to do it sooner is better as I always say and work really hard and smart stay focused and I can gairentee you'll improve and to improve even faster condition every day :)